Calcium is poorly absorbed. How is the body better to absorb calcium

I think today it is no longer necessary to convince anyone of the importance and vital necessity of calcium in our body. Almost the majority to some extent there is a lack of calcium, which may be the cause of the development of 147 diseases. Carry out a small independent diagnosis, and you will see this.

Appearance. The skin loses its elasticity, acquires a dry and "lifeless" look. Brittle, dull hair and nails, tooth decay, problems with tooth enamel - all this from the lack of calcium.

Nervous system.  Unreasonable anxiety, excessive tension, irritability appear, fatigue accumulates.

Digestion. Constipation, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, spastic colitis appear.

The muscles. Cramps and night cramps, sensations of flowing, trembling in the limbs.

Children. Developed a violation of posture (scoliosis), flat feet. It even happens that a child is irresistibly drawn to “feast on” chalk and even dirt.

And all this refers to the primary symptoms of calcium deficiency! So why are we so lacking in this trace element?

Causes of Calcium Deficiency

The fact is that many factors influence calcium absorption. Firstly, the body is able to absorb calcium only from those products that have not been subjected to heat treatment, in which calcium passes from an organic to an inorganic form, and in this form it is practically not absorbed.

Secondly, calcium is absorbed in the presence of certain minerals and nutrients, and in certain proportions, in a balanced form. Protein food (amino acids) transports calcium to cells, vitamins D, A, E and C, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium - which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

Calcium intake should be accompanied by heavy drinking (at least 6 glasses of pure water per day), if the acidity of the gastric juice is lowered, calcium preparations should be washed down with a glass of water with lemon juice  - So calcium is absorbed much better.

Diseases that lead to calcium deficiency: endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract diseases, renal failure and.

Factors contributing to a lack of calcium

  • Excessive use;
  • A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work - calcium absorption is reduced;
  • Stress
  • Chlorinated water;
  • Salt in large quantities removes calcium from the body;
  • Sugar in large quantities interferes with the absorption of calcium and contributes to the violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
  • Products in which there is an acid reaction: white flour products, sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, animal fats disrupt calcium metabolism;
  • Medicines: laxatives, diuretics, hormones, anticonvulsants, tetracyclines and various adsorbents also disrupt calcium absorption;
  • Feeding infants with artificial mixtures. Calcium from breast milk is absorbed by 70%, while from mixtures - by 30%.

To eliminate the lack of calcium, there are two ways: to adjust the diet or take drugs with calcium. When choosing drugs, pay attention to what form calcium is and what vitamins and minerals are included. The best digestible forms of calcium are chelated and ionic. From food, it is very difficult to gain a daily rate of calcium (at least 1000-1200 milligrams). But this is a topic for a separate article. In the meantime, that's all for today.

The amount of calcium in our body is very easy to calculate. It will be about 2% of the total body weight, that is, about 1000 - 1500 g. About 99% of it is part of the bones, dentin and enamel on the teeth, and the rest is part of the nerve cells and soft tissues.

The amount of calcium needed per day

A person needs 800-1000 mg of calcium per day. If you are over 60 or you are an athlete, then increase this amount to 1200 mg.

Under what conditions does calcium demand increase?

Everyone knows that children from an early age need to eat a lot of cottage cheese and other dairy products, and all because at an early age the need for calcium is very high. If a child receives a sufficient amount of this element in childhood, he will be healthy and will not experience bone problems.

Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should also consume a lot of calcium-rich foods. The health of the future or existing child depends on this!

Doctors also recommend increasing the daily dose of calcium for athletes and people with heavy sweating.

The beneficial effects of calcium on the body

Calcium is a material for building teeth and bones. Blood cannot exist without calcium, because it is part of it. Tissue and cell fluid also have calcium in their composition. Calcium prevents the entry of viruses and foreign bodies into the body, plays an important role in blood coagulation.

Calcium takes part in the management of hormone functions, is responsible for the release of insulin, exhibits anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties in the body, takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in muscles, increases the body's defenses, takes part in restoring the body's salt-water balance.

The alkalizing effect in the acid-base balance occurs also with the participation of calcium. Calcium must be present in the body in the right amount to transmit nerve impulses, maintain heart function, muscle contractions, and adjust the stability of the nervous system. Calcium is stored in long tubular bones.

It is interesting that with a poor supply of calcium to the body, he himself uses the stored calcium for the "needs" of blood. With the help of the parathyroid hormone, phosphorus and calcium are transferred to the blood from bone tissue. That's how bones are sacrificed for the well-being of the blood!

The absorption of calcium by the body

Calcium is an element that is difficult to digest, so providing the body with the right amount of calcium is not very simple. For example, cereals, sorrel and spinach contain specific substances that interfere with the absorption of calcium. So that calcium can be absorbed, it is first treated with hydrochloric acid of the stomach, and then amenable to bile so that calcium salts can turn into digestible substances.

In order not to reduce the digestibility of calcium, do not use sweets and saturated carbohydrates at the same time, as they cause the release of alkaline juices in the stomach, and they interfere with hydrochloric acid to process calcium.

On the other hand, excessive levels of magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) in the body interfere with calcium processing. The fact is that phosphorus (P) enters into a chemical reaction with calcium and forms a salt that cannot be dissolved even in acid.

Calcium is well absorbed from dairy products, as they contain lactose - milk sugar. Under the influence of intestinal microflora, it turns into lactic acid and dissolves calcium. Any amino acids or even citric acid forms substances along with calcium that are readily soluble.

Fats also contribute to good absorption of calcium. But there must be a certain number of them. With a lack of fats for the processing of calcium, fatty acids will not be enough, and with an excess of bile acids. The ratio of calcium to fat should be 1: 100. Thus, cream, for example, 10% fat, is suitable for you.

Interestingly, pregnant women absorb calcium much better than those. Who is not expecting a baby.

With a lack of calcium in people there is a slowdown in growth, an increase in nervous excitability. Such people suffer from insomnia, numbness and tingling in the limbs, joint pain and fragility of the nails. They have high blood pressure, an overestimation of the pain threshold, and a rapid heartbeat. One sign of calcium deficiency is the craving for eating chalk.

Women with a lack of calcium have frequent heavy periods.

In children with calcium deficiency, rickets can develop, and in adults, brittle bones and osteoporosis. With a small amount of calcium in the blood, muscle contractility may be impaired: convulsions and convulsions occur.

In people with insufficient calcium levels, moods can dramatically deteriorate. Such a person becomes nervous, he may feel sick, his appetite may worsen.

Signs of an Excess Calcium

An excess of calcium can occur when too large doses of calcium are taken at the same time as vitamin D. It can also happen if a person eats exclusively dairy products for a long time. Excess calcium can settle in organs, in muscles and on the walls of blood vessels. Excessive intake of calcium and vitamin D in the blood can cause severe muscle relaxation. A person may fall into a coma or lethargic sleep.

What affects the calcium content in foods?

A significant amount of calcium can be lost during the preparation of cottage cheese, so it is often specially saturated with calcium.

Causes of calcium deficiency

If there is not enough lactose in the stomach - an enzyme that processes milk, then the absorption of calcium may be impaired. 10 days before the onset of menstruation in women, the level of calcium decreases sharply. During menstruation, this leads to contractions of the uterus, which causes pain. When eating exclusively plant-based foods, vitamin D practically does not enter the body, from which the digestibility of calcium is reduced.

Calcium Products

All dairy products contain calcium. Some more, others less. Cheeses can contain up to 1000 mg of calcium. So, processed cheeses contain 860-1006 mg of calcium, cottage cheese - 164 mg, feta cheese - 630 mg. Sour cream is very useful for the body, because it contains 90-120 mg of calcium, and our favorite whipped cream - 86 mg. A variety of nuts can contain from 100 to 250 mg of calcium, so lovers of "nuts for beer" will not suffer from brittle bones.

Ordinary oatmeal contains up to 170 mg of calcium, and if you eat it every morning, then in total with other products it will fully provide calcium to your body.

The interaction of calcium with other elements

When taking drugs, such as calcium carbonate, with food, the absorption of iron sulfate is impaired. If you take calcium carbonate even in large quantities on an empty stomach, then iron (Fe) will be perfectly absorbed. Vitamin D supplementation helps calcium absorption.

Most diseases originate due to a violation of the acid-base balance in our body. Acidification is dangerous because an acidic environment is most favorable for the development of cardiovascular, immune, and gastrointestinal diseases. An excess of acid leads to the formation of kidney stones, the deposition of salts in the joints, slagging of blood, blood vessels. The body is acidified quickly and almost daily. From what? From the fact that we eat much more protein food than necessary, neglecting vegetable. Sausage, meat, delicacies, smoked meats - all these are acid-forming products. But there is calcium, the only element in nature that alkalizes the body, that is, it neutralizes acids. Without an acidic environment, there is no soil for the development of diseases.

About half of the calcium in our body is in poorly soluble form, in combination with protein structures. The remaining part, on the contrary, is soluble well, and easily passes even through cell membranes. A third of the trace element has an ionized form in the blood, which allows it to play key roles in the regulation of physiological processes. It follows that a lack of calcium leads to various diseases.

The main functions of calcium include homeostasis - maintaining the constancy of the internal state in the body. For example, in patients with cancer in the last stages, there is a clear deficiency of calcium. After the appointment of such drugs to such patients, alkalization of the body's liquid medium occurred and, accordingly, their well-being improved. Hence, it was concluded that Ca inhibits the development of malignant neoplasms.

Causes lack of calcium in the body:

· Low levels of calcium in food and water;

· Inadequate diet, starvation;

Disorders of intestinal absorption of calcium: food allergies, candidiasis, dysbiosis, etc .;

· Excess in the body of iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, lead, zinc;

Deficiency of calciferols (vitamin D);

Diseases of the thyroid gland;

Impaired functioning of the parathyroid glands;

· Increased calcium intake during pregnancy and lactation, during growth, in the postmenopausal period;

· Increased consumption of calcium in stressful situations, as a result of smoking, as well as excessive consumption of caffeinated products;

· Intensive removal of calcium from the body as a result of prolonged use of laxatives and diuretics;

Kidney disease

· Chronic pancreatitis;

· Prolonged immobilization of patients (staying at rest).

So why is organic calcium poorly absorbed?

And the secret is quite simple. Archaeologists have long noted that in the found skeletons of Cro-Magnes there are no deposits of salts or sponges (that is, oseoporosis) that are well known to us. It was assumed that people of the Stone Age simply did not live up to the age when there is an active destruction of bone tissue. It turns out that this is not so. This was proved by naturopaths. Moreover, they have proved empirically. Supporters of raw food diet, it turns out, do not know what bone disease is - they do not suffer from arthrosis, radiculitis and


And just because they prefer fruits and vegetables not to heat treatment. The fact is that during heat treatment, organic calcium instantly goes into an inorganic state and is practically not absorbed by the body. And Cro-Magnons received organic calcium in full from roots, herbs, fruits, seeds.

The same can be said for products. For example, milk. Calcium is enough in it and if it is drunk raw (as is usually done in the village, let alone paired), then calcium is well replenished. We, city dwellers, get milk already processed -

pasteurized, and therefore, calcium is already in inorganic form there. The same thing with kefir, yogurt and other dairy products. The absorption of calcium from them is minimal. And in baby milk formulas the same thing is inorganic calcium. Which is incredibly difficult to digest. And mother’s breast milk is a storehouse of calcium, especially if the mother does not neglect the vegetable diet and invigorates fresh cabbage, carrots, figs, etc. By the way, it is the breastfed children who are less prone to rickets - they are all right with calcium. And their teeth grow earlier than their peers, artificial.

Calcium is readily absorbed by the body only from foods that are not subjected to heat treatment.

The second reason for the minimal absorption of calcium by the body is an imbalance in mineral metabolism. That is, it will be readily absorbed by the body, if the simplest rules of maintenance in

the body and other elements, namely phosphorus, magnesium, strontium, iodine.

Calcium is an extremely important and very moody element. Along with phosphorus, it forms the basis of bone tissue, normalizes the exchange of water in the human body. The function of phosphorus in the body: it, like calcium, gives strength to bones and teeth, which contain 85 percent of phosphorus in the body. The remaining phosphorus is involved in a huge variety

chemical reactions that occur in the body, the most important of which are energy production, metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, protein synthesis. Talking about the lack of phosphorus in the body is simply unnecessary - in the modern diet of the average Russian, the phosphorus content is 7-10 times higher than what the body requires. This in itself is not scary, but the only side effect  there may be a low calcium content that results from a high phosphorus content. The body itself regulates the balance between calcium and phosphorus. As soon as the diet begins to contain too much phosphorus, it begins to cause calcium to escape from the bones and weaken them. Osteoporosis should be treated not only with calcium intake, but also with a decrease in phosphorus in the diet.

Strontium is always found together with calcium. Strontium atoms are always present in the crystal lattice of calcium minerals. Also

the same in the body: both of these elements take part in the construction

skeleton. But strontium is more mobile and does not linger in bone tissue for a long time. The consequence of this is the friability of the bones and their deformation. Symptoms of the disease resemble ordinary rickets, but it is not cured by taking vitamin D.

Most of the magnesium is in the composition of bone and muscle tissue.

It is necessary to take into account the ratio of magnesium in the body with calcium as 0.5: 1. That is, an excess of magnesium can provoke a lack of calcium, calcium will tend to fill in the holes and begin to leave the bone tissue.

With an excess of magnesium, there is a deterioration in the absorption of calcium, because magnesium is its antagonist.

Calcium and iodine. And here these elements act as associates of iodine helps calcium

"Settle down" in the body. For a long time no one directly connected them - these are the development of literally the last years, when iodine began to be given much more importance than before.

The following facts made me wonder - why in a subtropical climate (for example, in the Crimea and Bulgaria) children are not prone to rickets, and adults rarely suffer from periodontal disease and osteoporosis, and in Africa, for example, this is a real scourge. What is the reason? It turned out that it was not only in sunlight, that is, direct treatment with ultraviolet and the production of vitamin D, but also in the “fullness” of the seaside atmosphere with iodine.

The third reason the body does not absorb calcium

Lack of vitamin D, exactly the vitamin that is produced

the body itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, that is, sunlight.

Scientists say that 10 minutes of bright spring sunshine per day is enough to make up for the daily norm. But in our marsh climate, these are probably too optimistic statements. Therefore, children under one year of age, as well as all older people, are prescribed vitamin D. And in vain. Synthetic vitamin D, perhaps, solves the problem, but with a very high cost of internal reserves of the body. And it is not known whether it is good or not. In any case, if there is a need to take vitamin D, then it is better to take it in a natural, that is, bound form - namely, in fish oil. Taking fish oil, you can kill two birds with one stone - and replenish vitamin D, and at the same time feed on iodine. After all, iodine accumulates precisely in fish oil.

Fish oil is almost completely absorbed by the body - 95 percent.

What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a steroid compound and is known as Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which are very similar in structure, physicochemical properties and effects on the human body. Vitamin D coming from food undergoes transformation in the liver and kidneys, resulting in the formation of 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, which has a hormone-like effect. This compound affects the genetic apparatus of intestinal cells, which increases the synthesis of a protein that specifically binds calcium and ensures its transport in the body. With a lack of vitamin D, absorption and metabolism of calcium is disturbed, its concentration in the blood decreases, which causes a reaction of the parathyroid glands and an increase in the secretion of parathyroid hormone, which regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. Excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone leads to mobilization of calcium from bone tissue, suppression of reabsorption of phosphates in the renal tubules, and therefore the content of inorganic phosphates in the blood decreases. At the same time, alkaline phosphatase activity sharply increases. Violations of phosphate-calcium metabolism lead to the development of acidosis, which is accompanied by a violation of the excitability of the nervous system.

Do not forget that vitamin D, prescribed for rickets, is a synthetic vitamin, that is, an artificially created drug. Natural vitamin D is produced by the body itself under the influence of ultraviolet rays. If the body does not cope with this, then the introduction of artificial vitamin D will only impede the functions of the body. The natural vitamin is in the product, which does not differ in pleasant taste, - fish oil.

The concept of "deficiency" in relation to calcium, at first glance, sounds unusual. It is not so rare a mineral substance (such as iodine), and is found in large quantities in a variety of food products. However, a deficiency of Ca in the body can occur due to its low digestibility - only from 25 to 30%. In order for this indicator not to decrease or even increase, one thing is necessary: \u200b\u200bcalcium must be absorbed into the body not in “proud loneliness”, but at the same time with other useful nutrients. Such microelements as magnesium, phosphorus and even strontium are responsible for its absorption. We do not discount the role of vitamin D (cholecalciferol), which comes with food and is produced under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, in the cold season, people often have problems with their teeth: little sun - a lack of vitamin D - a deficiency of calcium. Not to mention that a formidable disease can occur - rickets.

How to solve the problem with the lack of this trace element? Only in a complex way: consuming a sufficient amount of products containing it, regularly playing sports and walking in the fresh air, abandoning bad habits (smoking, alcohol and coffee abuse). Dairy products will help to cope with a lack of calcium. 150 ml of milk contains about 300 mg of Ca, the same in 100 g of cottage cheese. A lot of it in hard cheese: only 30 g will give you 250 mg of calcium. Pay particular attention to milk, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese with low fat content. They are recognized by experts as its best sources.

However, not all people love dairy products so much that every morning they drink a glass of milk or eat a portion of cottage cheese. For some, both adults and children, dairy products are completely contraindicated, since they suffer from lactase deficiency. This definition refers to the lack or absence of the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar - lactose. One thing saves: there are other products that supply calcium to our body. Calcium is found in large quantities in many foods and is ingested daily with food.

The record-holders for its content are (mg per 100 g of product): Parmesan cheese - 1300, hard cheeses - 1000, sesame seeds - 780, Atlantic sardines (canned food) - 380, basil - 370. A lot of it also contains: almonds - 250, parsley - 245, soybeans and milk chocolate - 240, hazel - 225, beans - 194, watercress - 180, ice cream - 140, pistachios - 130, dill - 126, crabs - 100. The usual list remains to be added. cabbage, broccoli, salmon. But do not overdo it with spinach and sorrel - they help to remove Ca from the body.

It must be remembered that the thermal treatment of products leads to the transition of organic calcium into an inorganic state. Since the microelement is practically not absorbed in this form, it is best to use them in their “original” form whenever possible.

See Appendix No. 5

The predominantly insoluble calcium salts in the stomach are partially dissolved by the gastric juice, then they are exposed to bile acids, converting it into an assimilable form. The body of an adult absorbs less than half the total amount of calcium received with food.

The method of calcium excretion depends on the nature of the diet: in the case of prevalence in the diet of foods with an acid reaction (meat, bread, cereal dishes), excretion of calcium in urine increases, products with an alkaline reaction (dairy products, fruits, vegetables) - with feces.

See Appendix No. 6

Calcium is lost during heat treatment (for example, when cooking vegetables - 25%). Losses will be negligible if the water in which the vegetables were cooked is consumed (for example, broth or gravy).

A man cannot live without calcium. Calcium is needed in almost every cell in the body and provides it with normal functioning. Thus, it is very important to ensure the intake of calcium in the body along with food.

The effect of calcium on the human body is still being studied by scientists. For more than 10 years, Hungarian scholars led by Professor Krompeher have been investigating the impact of various forms  calcium on the human body. An ideal source of calcium recognized eggshell. In addition to calcium, the shell contains 27 important trace elements: copper, fluorine, manganese, selenium, zinc, silicon. A study of the properties of calcium by scientists in various countries led to the following conclusions: Vitamin C is a conductor of calcium in the body. And vitamin D speeds up the process of its full assimilation. Daily calcium intake is the prevention of the disease.

Diseases of our skeleton can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: the first is associated with diseases of the joints (arthrosis and arthritis), the second group includes diseases caused by metabolic disorders in the bone tissue itself. This group belongs to osteoporosis,the reasons for which we will try to consider.

The essence of the disease is bone loss of bone,  causing bone fragility and fractures even after minor injuries. There are known cases of compression fractures of the vertebral bodies after shaking, prolonged sitting or lifting weights.

The most serious fractures of the femoral neck in old age, leading to the need for prolonged immobility and, to complication, congestion in the lungs and increased thrombosis.

To understand why calcium begins to “disappear” from bone tissue, it should be explained how it goes there, where and why the body needs it at all.

The functions of calcium in the body.

Calcium is the main mineral substance in our body. 99% of it is located in the bones and teeth, where it is used not only as their main part, but also stored for the needs of the whole organism. Calcium is represented by salts: phosphates, carbonates, oxalates, urates. Its content in blood serum is strictly constant (1% of the total amount of calcium).

Why is calcium needed for the body? Its lack leads to more than 150 diseases.

  • Calcium ions are involved in blood formation processes.
  • Calcium Regulates Cell Growth and Activity all  types of tissue.
  • It creates resistance to infections with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Reduces weather dependence.
  • Helps reduce vascular permeability, forming bonds between phospholipids, structural proteins and glycoproteins (structural components of the membranes of all cells).
  • CA ions are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. In children, a violation of this process is manifested in increased nervous excitability, moods, outbreaks of irritation, a tendency to bite nails, and often move legs and arms.
  • Calcium inhibits body buildup strontium-90 and lead,  since it is their antagonist.
  • Calcium alkalizes  the internal environment of the body. Why is this needed?

Calcium against cancer.

The discovery of Otto Warburg, who spent 24 years of his life studying the nature of cancer, shocked the scientific world. He proved, and his discovery was marked by the receipt of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1932, that the process of cancer development is anaerobic.

Now this fact is known to all specialists involved in oncology, but then it was a sensational statement. Cancerous degeneration of the cell and reproduction is possible only in a sharply acidic environment, which occurs with oxygen deficiency (on average, the pH of the blood is 7.4). In practice, the biochemistry of all diseases is accompanied by an increase in local or general acidity.

An interesting fact: back in 1909, at the University of Pennsylvania, leeches were placed on the tumor area, it decreased several times in size, then it was removed and tampons with caustic soda (alkali) were applied to the wound. Subsequently, there were no relapses or metastases.

Until 1967, Otto Warburg worked with a renowned American scientist - physician Carl Rich to investigate the possibility of cancer prevention with calcium!They found that it is calcium that can cure cancer, since its main role in the body in   alkalization  blood and other body fluids. Those. it removes a medium in which a mutated cell can potentially appear and begin to multiply. Scientists examined the blood serum of hundreds of thousands of people suffering from cancer of 3-4 degrees. All found a reduced serum calcium! These people were assigned calcium + vitamins "A" and "D",  and the cancer receded, it could be localized and removed, significantly extending the life of people.

Calcium deficiency in the body.

The strength of the teeth, as well as the bones of the upper and lower jaw, is determined by the amount of calcium in them. As already noted, 1% of the calcium found in our body fluids and soft tissues is constant  size. If SA is not supplied in sufficient quantities with food, the body begins to “steal” it from its own bones, especially from the teeth and jaws.

This is due to the fact that it is in these formations that the largest percentage of this mineral is present. There comes a time when the bone tissue of the jaws, losing calcium and other trace elements associated with it, becomes loose, the teeth become loose, the enamel cracks, forming niches for the reproduction of microorganisms. So begins periodontitis (periodontal disease) and caries,  accompanied by chronic inflammatory processes with periodic exacerbations (fluxes), bleeding gums with subsequent loss of apparently healthy teeth.

These diseases manifest from adolescence to old age. But the predisposition to them is laid in the prenatal state, during breastfeeding, then in the childhood and especially in the teenage period (from 12 to 15 years). During the period of rapid puberty, the child's body feels a great need for calcium, various groups of minerals and vitamins, in particular, “A” and “D”. If you do not take care of proper nutrition at this age, defects in the development of the endocrine, nervous, and hematopoietic systems in the future will manifest themselves in various difficult to treat diseases.

Causes of calcium deficiency.

A whole “team” of trace elements and their compounds is involved in the absorption of calcium: selenium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, iron, silicon, iodine. The matrix for calcium intake consists of these elements and, if it is not ready (there is not enough trace element), calcium will “fall through” it. Calcium atoms can be represented in the form of bricks, and these microelements play the role of a binding solution, used, for example, in the construction of a house - cement.

What are causes of calcium deficiencyin the body of almost all modern people (it is enough to analyze the condition of their teeth):

It does not come with food;
- It does enough, but is not absorbed;
- excessively displayed;
- high doses are required in certain conditions of the body.

We consider these cases in more detail.

Calcium in food.

On average, 1000 mg (1 g) of calcium is needed per day. For a full metabolism, 0.5 g would have been enough, but it has been proven that at best 50% of the taken mineral is absorbed. The fact is that the organic calcium of vegetables and fruits, milk during heat treatment instantly turns into an inorganic state, in which insoluble salts are formed that are not absorbed during the metabolism (remember the scum on the walls of teapots and pans).

Archaeologists have long noted the fact that in the skeletons of the most ancient people found there are no salt deposits and increased spongy bones that are well known among contemporaries - the very osteoporosis. At first they thought that they simply did not live to this age.

It turned out that this is not so. Naturopaths refuted this conclusion: adherents of raw food diet, who also do not know these diseases. Alas, predominantly boiled food deprives us of not only sources of plastic material (proteins), vitamins, but also various mineral salts, including much-needed calcium, as it contains it in an unapproachable chemical form.

Dairy food, which in nature is an excellent source of calcium, reaches the townspeople also only in pasteurized form. This applies to yogurt, and kefir, cottage cheese, etc. These are the characteristics of the nutrition of modern man and are inextricably linked with these features of the disease. This is confirmed by the time of appearance and condition of the teeth, as well as the frequency of cases of rickets in children who are breast-fed and the so-called “artificial”. The named diseases are found in the second group of babies much more often!

Another eating habit does not allow calcium to be absorbed. In the presence of fats, poorly soluble salts of fatty acids and calcium (soap) are formed in the intestines. Fried foods, excess fat in the diet also reduce the possibility of assimilation of this deficient trace element.

We list foods that contain a lot of calcium: green salad, celery, sunflower, onions, oats, peas, buckwheat, spinach, egg shells.

Calcium and other trace elements.

As already noted, calcium is absorbed only in the presence of other trace elements in the intestines and serum. For example, there is such a "bunch" as calcium - phosphorus.Phosphorus in the body, as a rule, is not enough, it is even more than necessary. This leads to the fact that an excess of phosphorus leaches calcium from bones (if it is deficient in food) to normalize the ratio of these trace elements in blood serum.

Why is phosphorus abundant in our country? It is very much in cereals: oats, buckwheat, millet, wheat, in cheese, fish, in carbonated drinks! There is also a lot of phosphorus in yolks, beans and peas. The townspeople found exceeding the content of "P" 7-10 times!  There is a lot of phosphorus in food, and little calcium. The result is osteoporosis.

Calcium - Strontium.  There is a lot of strontium in the environment. With a deficiency of calcium, it takes its place in the crystal lattice of the bone, acting as a “patch”, but strontium is not able to fulfill the function of calcium.

Calcium iodine.Without iodine, all types of metabolism are disrupted, including calcium metabolism. Note that children living by the sea do not have rickets, while adults have rare cases of osteoporosis.

Causes of calcium absorption.

Low acidity of gastric juice. Calcium is absorbed only in an acidic environment.
- The simultaneous administration of trace elements antagonists (magnesium, zinc, iron).
- Simultaneous intake of fatty foods, milk, tea. ( Attention lovers of tea with milk:tea's tannins bind calcium, preventing it from invading the metabolism).
- There is not enough vitamin D in it, more often in winter. This is facilitated by a deficiency of sunlight, and various liver diseases. In this case, defects appear in the production of cholesterol, which is necessary for these chemical transformations. All together does not allow the formation of vitamin "D" in the skin.
- Climax, especially in white-skinned (genetically) fragile women with a small amount of subcutaneous fat.

Vitamin D production alone is not enough. It must be activated in the kidneys. For this, female sex hormones - estrogens - are needed. Subcutaneous fatty tissue plays the role of the endocrine gland, which produces in the menopause the estrogens necessary for the absorption of calcium. When the appendages cease to function, and there is little fat, the lack of the necessary amount of estrogen leads to a deficiency in the absorption of calcium, even with sufficient intake (which never happens). Therefore, osteoporosis practically does not threaten full women.

Birth control pills that suppress ovulation.
- Ovarian dysfunction, adnexitis, cystic degeneration of the ovaries, removal of the ovaries.
- Late onset of puberty.
- Hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function.
- Long-term treatment with corticosteroids (hormones).
- Chemotherapy and radiation.

Ways to assimilate calcium.

1. In the small intestine, under the influence of activated vitamin “D3” and estrogen, calcium enters the bloodstream. Calcium ions are actively captured by special cells of intestinal villi.

2. The absorption of calcium along the second pathway takes place in the large intestine by the mechanism of involuntary movement of fluid along with calcium salt from the intestinal lumen into the blood. The important thing is that for this route of calcium intake vitamin D is not needed.

The second way of calcium absorption is present in people of any age when many pectins, substances contained in large quantities in apples, quinces, persimmons, beets, and berries, come from food. Pectins are not broken down by human enzymes in the small intestine. They transit into the large intestine, binding calcium and other mineral ions, making them inaccessible for absorption in the small intestine.

Fortunately, in the large intestine they release bound ions of minerals, however, only under the influence of acetic acid produced by the normal microflora of the large intestine. By the way, refined carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, white flour products) shift the pH of the colon into an alkaline environment. This not only enhances dysbiosis, but also removes calcium from the body!

Another “enemy” of calcium absorption. Dietary bran fibers also capture ions of minerals, but in the large intestine they do not give them back, irreversibly removing them from the intestine. Thus, with bran or grain bread, a person can lose a significant amount of minerals, including calcium.

Which way out: at the table   Do not mix bran with pectin (bread with fruit).
  Oxalic acid is the strongest calcium antagonist (it is called the antinutrient, and its salts are oxalates). There is a lot of it in sorrel, in rhubarb (used as a laxative), in spinach, radish, parsley, soy, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate, cocoa, gooseberries.

Other causes of calcium deficiency.

"Excessive excretion with urine and feces."

Taking laxatives and diuretics. Moreover, when used, calcium is lost, but not phosphorus, which further exacerbates the situation.
- Teas for weight loss, coffee. The fact is that with increased excretion of urine, the kidneys do not have time to return salts from primary urine to the blood, and coffee and teas are strong diuretics.
- Enema, laxatives, diuretics - a slow but sure path to osteoporosis.

"Increased Calcium Consumption".

- Lactation.
- Long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers.
- bone fractures.
- Heat.

When calcium is especially important.

As you can see, not a single person is safe from this disease. Bone sizes and bone mass are genetically programmed. But the prevention of osteoporosis should be taken care of in childhood and adolescence. During these periods of life, the formed bones require a particularly large amount of calcium, and the intestine absorbs it twice as much as later.

During puberty and growth in the bones, 400-500 mg of calcium is deposited daily. By around the age of 20, the so-called peak of bone mass is reached. Further, for the above reasons, the loss of this vital mineral begins.

But it is precisely in the period of the formation of puberty that young people are fond of carbonated drinks, sweets, smoking, beer, etc.

A pregnant woman progressively loses calcium, giving it to the fetus. Remember, women, how teeth were destroyed after each pregnancy. Together with milk, the mother loses daily 300 mg of this substance (for 10 months of lactation, 90-100 grams!).

Ways to make up for a lack of calcium.

It is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora: this will cause acidification of the medium in the large intestine and ensure the absorption of calcium, even with a deficiency of vitamin D (in winter). Normal microflora produces a sufficient amount of acetic acid. Will help this process

Another option is legumes. Pea soup, salads with beans, tofu contain calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in an excellent ratio. Cocoa and whole grain bread are also rich in magnesium.

In milk and its derivatives, calcium is in the form of lactate, which is easily absorbed and almost all gets to its intended purpose. Citrate and similar calcium compounds from broccoli, kale, leafy greens (except spinach), almonds, turnips, and fish are absorbed slightly worse (70–80%). A lot of calcium in easily digestible form in sesame seeds: in 100 g - the daily norm of this useful element for adults.

Drink 1 tbsp each morning. l fasting sesame oil. A great lunch is a salad of leafy greens and broccoli, seasoned with grained cottage cheese or sour cream and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Dessert - Calcium-rich almonds and figs.

Avoid foods that increase calcium loss. This is salt, caffeine and fat. Excess phosphates, phytic and oxalic acids, which are found in sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, beets and many other plant foods, interfere with calcium absorption. Better to eat them a little.

Eat dried apricots: it is rich in potassium, which stops the loss of calcium. Avoid margarine, creamy spreads, canned sauces: hydrogenated fats in them interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Supplement your diet with substances that "carry" calcium inside. First of all, it is vitamin D. It increases the absorption of calcium by 30-40% and normalizes its balance with phosphorus. In fact, it is not just a vitamin, but a prohormone: from it, the parathyroid glands produce substances responsible for calcium metabolism.

Vitamin D is especially rich in liver, eggs, and also many seafood - shrimp, lobster, crab, herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel. In addition, it is synthesized in e under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, as soon as the weather permits, try to spend 15–20 minutes a day in the sun.

The less we move, the worse calcium is absorbed. Running, walking, exercises with a barbell and dumbbells are especially useful for bone growth. The main thing is without fanaticism. Remember that calcium is lost with sweat, so with active training and frequent visits to the sauna, losses must be compensated. A glass of low-fat kefir and a handful of almonds are an excellent snack after the gym.